Clarendon Animal Care

Clarendon Animal Care logo was a collaboration with Melissa Lew, a designer who had worked with CAC before. Our process was a bit in reverse because CAC already had a lot invested in its previous logo.

Evelyn recognized when beginning their website design, that the previous typography and the logo illustration needed some updating. We designed the website first and then the logo making both consistent.

The orange image to the left of the text includes a heart revolving around both a cat and a dog, reflecting that the clinic is open to all kinds of animals (and deals with them equally!).

Turquoise text is often associated with a calming, refreshing, modern wholeness that contrasts well with orange — often regarded as a color of encouragement and being socially inviting. The words ‘Gentle, Caring, Awesome’ are the key values that coincide with being ‘socially inviting’ and echo Clarendon Animal Care’s mission—to provide quality care as an effective animal clinic.


Chain Bridge Group


Community Arts