Consistent monthly content updates to keep your website fresh

Let us do your website content edits and updates for you!

Already a member? Sign In


A great way to stay accountable and keep your website up-to-date

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    Monthly Update

    If you need to add, update, replace, or remove content we can do that for you!

  • award icon

    Annual Site Review

    We review your site, discuss your goals, and give you recommendations.

How the Client Website Membership Works

1. Sign Up

Join for $200/mo. to get access to our client membership dashboard. Then we create and share your Google Drive folder including pre-made Google Doc content templates!

2. You Provide Monthly Content Update

Once per month, upload your text, images, or other content (with the help of our pre-made templates) inside your Google Drive folder.

3. We Look for Your Update

We check your Google Drive folder for your content update. Content is due by the third Wednesday of the month—content due dates are posted inside the dashboard. We send you an email reminder with that month’s due date at the start of every month AND the morning of the content due date.

4. Your Website Gets Updated!

We complete your update by the following Monday (usually sooner) and follow up with an email notification.

It’s that simple. Sign up and start making updates to your site!

Client Website Membership
Every month

Consistent monthly updates to existing pages per month based on user-provided content.

Client Membership FAQS

  • Only Design Powers website clients are eligible to join. You cannot join if we did not build your website.

    • Email Reminder: We send you an email reminder with that month’s due date at the start of every month AND the morning of the content due date.

    • Monthly Website Content Update: You provide us with content uploaded to your Google Drive folder and we update your website for you.

    • Annual Site Review: We review your site content and design once a year and give you practical changes to implement in a 1hr Zoom meeting.

  • Updates include:

    • Blog Post

    • Portfolio Item

    • Podcast Episode

    • Testimonial/Review

    • Product Info.

    • Staff Update

    • Image or video Update/Removal

    • Text Content Update/Removal

    • Questions and site support

    Use our pre-made Google Doc content templates in your Google Drive folder based on your update type. This ensures we get the information we need to complete your update!

    *Larger updates, such as creating new pages, collaborative work, and 1:1 training for Scheduling setup/updates or Email Campaigns assistance, will be quoted at an additional cost — contact us!

    1. Sign Up

      Join for $200/mo. to get access to our client membership dashboard. Then we create and share your Google Drive folder including pre-made Google Doc content templates!

    2. You Provide Monthly Content Update
      Once per month, upload your text, images, or other content (with the help of our pre-made templates) inside your Google Drive folder.

    3. We Look for Your Update
      We check your Google Drive folder for your content update. Content is due by the third Wednesday of the month—content due dates are posted inside the dashboard. We send you an email reminder with that month’s due date at the start of every month AND the morning of the content due date.

    4. Your Website Gets Updated!
      We complete your update by the following Monday (usually sooner) and follow up with an email notification.

  • The monthly update does not roll over. This membership is designed to keep you accountable with fresh content and keep your site up-to-date.

    Adding new content and updating existing content is an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and marketing strategy. Every time you update your website, search engines notice and re-arrange your site's ranking. So, if you want to increase the chances of your website getting a higher keyword ranking, update and add new content frequently so search engines reassess your position on its index.

  • We accept all major credit cards. We offer a recurring monthly membership subscription that you can cancel anytime. We do not offer refunds.

    1. Click the “SIGN UP FOR CLIENT WEBSITE MEMBERSHIP” button on this page. You’ll be prompted to create your member account. Enter your name and email, and create login credentials.

    2. Continue to the checkout page, where you’ll enter your payment information and complete checkout.

    3. You’ll immediately receive a welcome email and a purchase receipt. In 1–2 business days, you’ll get another email with a link to your Google Drive folder with our pre-made content templates.

    4. To access the member dashboard click the “log in” button in your welcome email or log in on the member dashboard page. Inside our membership dashboard, you will find further instructions on how to manage your member account.

Have more questions or concerns? Schedule a call with Evelyn.