Sky Whispers Astrology
Brand Messaging and Identity / Logo Design / Website Design & Development

Sky Whispers Astrology
Jenny McKee has a fascinating backstory. She’s had a long, successful career as an attorney, but since high school, she has always had a passion for astrology. A couple of years ago, she got serious about it and signed up for an astrology certification course with a renowned predictive astrologer, Debra Anne Clement, who ironically had also been a lawyer.
Debra required that Jenny had a website, which Jenny dutifully created. The thing is, Jenny isn’t a web designer, but she is very smart. She knew her website wasn’t up to par at attracting the clients Jenny hoped to get when she became a full-time astrologer.
Jenny is located in Las Vegas, so how did she find us? She googled legal policies for websites, and our blog post, “Legal Policies for Websites,” came up. After reading the post, she thought, “Why don’t I reach out to Design Powers and see if they can help me!” I don’t know if that were her exact thoughts, but as I noted, she is very smart, so that’s what she did, and the rest is herstory!
SIDEBAR: This is exactly why we suggest, cajole, and/or strong-arm our clients to post authoritative content consistently. It’s how organic search happens!
But I digress. Jenny now has a fully functional website with concise copy explaining who she works with and how she solves their problems. Lawyers and other professionals who want to consciously align with their astrological blueprint and seize opportunities to activate the promise of the birth chart.
DESIGN STARTS WITH STRATEGY We worked with Jenny to determine what services she wanted to offer, potential price points and packages, and how she wanted to be contacted. Also, what written and visual assets she had and what we would need to create.
We also talked a lot about mindset. It’s not easy to go from being one kind of professional, especially one as lauded in our society as a lawyer, to a profession that can be considered a “pseudoscience” and doesn’t get the same respect.
We wanted to be sure that her site was branded in such a way as to show her business is serious. Jenny gives her astrology practice the same attention to detail and high standards that she gives in her law profession.
CUSTOM PHOTOGRAPHY As mentioned, Jenny lives in Las Vegas, so we googled “professional brand photographers” in and around the Las Vegas area, and based on their websites and reviews, we gave Jenny three recommendations. Jenny called all three and decided to go with Chezaray Photography. He’s a seasoned pro, so we knew we’d get some nice imagery to work with.
But wait, there’s more….
Even before the photography happened, we talked about fashion and colors. We told Jenny we’d had our colors done before getting our custom brand shoot, and she thought that was a great idea! She also contacted a House of Colour consultant in Las Vegas and got her colors done too.
Afterward, she purchased some outfits that reflected her newfound palette awareness. Jenny is the same as Evelyn, an Autumn, so we had a clear vision about the website palette. You can read our blog post about us getting our colors done a few years ago.
CONTENT WRITING Jenny does a lot of writing as a lawyer and is very good at it, so we gave her our website content template with guidelines for what needs to be included on her site. Then, we edited it into keyword rich chunks of marketing copy and designed the visuals around it. The content targets lawyers and other professionals who are unhappy in their careers and want to use astrology to help them discover a true talent, calling, or passion. We include A LOT of problem statements throughout the site. There are a lot of unhappy lawyers out there!
WEB DESIGN AND BUILD The website design is clean and modern, with a lot of white space, san serif, upper and lower case typography and subtle color gradations with animated arrows to guide the visitor. We incorporated the aforementioned custom photography in the design with delicate zodiac illustrations and saturated colors that sync with Jenny’s fashion and are brand-appropriate.
The build focuses on clearly delineating Jenny’s varied service packages. We added FAQs and a blog to share her knowledge and boost her organic SEO and online reach. The site is filled with calls to action to learn more about her services and to book a call.
We set up and trained Jenny on Squarespace’s add-on appointment scheduler, Acuity, to help her get paid. We created specific appointment types, set scheduling page limits, customized scheduling page links, synced third-party calendars, customized the scheduler appearance, created custom intake forms per appointment type, connected recurring payments, and customized the email templates with her new logo.
Jenny also had a convoluted Gmail setup with her old web host. She wasn’t even receiving her email. We helped her get that straightened out, so clients can now book a time to chat with her directly on her site and see that it goes to a professional Gmail that she actually receives!
LEAD MAGNET Lastly, we designed a lead magnet for Jenny on her website to help build her email list of interested people in her business.
Inside the guide, it links to her website, where a potential client can schedule a session with Jenny.
We’re confident that Jenny’s new website will establish her as a leading career astrologist and will begin to attract the ideal clients who could benefit from her expertise and seriously chill demeanor.
Before & After
Move handle left (after) to right (before).