4 Reasons to Hire a Professional Content Writer


When you run your own business you’re the one who knows the most about your company. You can answer any question about what your business can do, what you’ve done before and what you plan to do in the future.

While you may know your business inside and out — can you convey it clearly and confidently on your website?

Not everybody is good at writing, and that's okay. Even if you are, can you commit to consistently writing authentic, engaging content that your clients will appreciate? Probably not.

Being an entrepreneur or small business owner means there’s always more to do and insufficient time.

Most of the time here at Design Powers, we and our clients get failing grades regarding habitual professional writing. We can suggest, cajole or even pester, but ultimately, it’s up to our clients to decide they won’t do it.

That’s why many business owners delegate specific tasks to freelance contractors who specialize in providing valuable time-saving services like content writing.

You might know every single helpful piece of information about your industry, but if you can’t string together a coherent sentence then your readers aren’t going to want to hear what you have to say.

If you’re going to start a new website, rebrand your business, or write a blog on an ongoing basis then it’s worth your time to invest in some quality online content.

The best way to get content that fits your company’s needs is to hire a professional content writer.

Written content is the core of your online sales pitch

You need people to read your content and want to work with you. If your content isn’t up to standards, they won’t trust your company.

By hiring a professional content writer you’ll be able to own content that will capture the hearts of your audience and show them who you are as a company.

Remember, first impressions are everything for attracting potential clients. Here are our top 4 reasons a skilled writer should carefully craft your first impressions.

1. Bad writing looks and sounds unprofessional

If you write your copy with bad grammar, spelling mistakes and poorly crafted sentences, it could make people think twice about the integrity of your services.

Bad copy comes across as unprofessional and will make your company look like it’s neglecting its online presence — which can cause you to lose points with potential new clients. Why should they believe in you to solve their problems if you can’t even look after your own business and write without errors?

You need to have unique, engaging content on your website that is grammatically correct, easy to read, free from spelling mistakes and relevant to your audience. It will help you bring in more clients.

The better your content is, the more engaged your visitors will be, making them want to convert to paying clients.

It can be difficult to write timely content yourself, and you might not know where to start. This is entirely understandable and nothing to be ashamed of, but if you want your content to shine on your website then you need to invest in a professional content writer who will choose the right words for your audience and craft high-quality writing.

Cut the jargon and connect

Most of your audience reading your website won’t be clued into what’s happening in your industry. They don't know as much as you do, so going on and on about every tiny detail of your product or service doesn’t sit well with your potential clients.

If a typical reader doesn’t understand your writing, they’ll probably stop reading and click on a competitor’s site or head to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter for diversion.

Quality content that’s easy to understand will help you connect with readers' interests without drowning them in jargon.

A dedicated content writer has the skills to take a meaty subject and present it as clearly to your audience. This means your readers will understand precisely what you’re all about without getting confused over industry-specific terminology.

Professional content writers get you positive business results

Content writers aren’t just good at writing. They are masters of persuasion and are the perfect weapon to have in your arsenal for getting clients.

They will produce content for your site that will help you climb the search engines, attract more visitors to your site and ultimately, get you more clients.

Your content’s primary goal is to convince your audience to take action on your website. You want them to either make an appointment with you or buy your product/service.

You need your content to convince your potential clients that you’re the one for them. To get this sort of response from your audience, you need a writer who can evoke an emotional response from their writing, get your site’s visitors excited about your company and give them a severe case of FOMO (fear of missing out).

If your content bores your audience and fails to persuade them to act, it’s simply not doing its job. Content that doesn’t contain an element of emotion within it can often fall flat when read by your audience, and it’ll also fail at bringing more life into your brand online.

A professional content writer can communicate what sets you apart from the rest of the companies in your industry and help you create that emotional connection with your audience.

Professional content writers improve your SEO

Professional content writers optimize your content for search engines. They can help your website make its way to the top of Google. And help you persuade all that lovely new traffic to hire you.

Consistent content creation is one of the most popular and effective ways of boosting SEO (search engine optimization). The more fresh, valuable content you add to your website, the more traffic your site will generate.

Content writers know precisely how to lock in on your target audience’s keyword searches so people can find your website more easily. 72% of marketers say relevant content creation is vital to their success.

An experienced website content writer can help you implement a strategy that will keep your content updated and help you rank in search engines.

Finding the perfect content writer to join your team may take some time, but when you do, they’ll be the perfect addition to your company. At Design Powers, we’ve got a team of content specialists ready to help you add value to your brand online.

Your content is a direct reflection of your business. Strong copywriting can make or break you. If your website isn’t performing to its full potential, we’ve created the Power Plan to help small business owners like you figure out exactly what their business needs and create an actionable plan to get started.

Do you think there are any points we missed in this blog? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!




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